Which rental are you applying for?
The property isn't listed here Please keep my application on file I'm looking for Section 8 housing Call me, and I'll tell you what I want.
If it's not listed, please tell us which rental you're interested in...
Which characteristics are you looking for in a rental?
Walking distance to stores
Privacy from neighbors
Storage is important
Section 8 preferred
Pet friendly
I prefer to be in Farmington
Single level preferred
Garage preferred
A small mobile home
Small apartment includes utilities
Large house with lots of space
Small house that's easier to heat
Waterfront preferred
First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Zip Code
Home Phone Number *
Cell Phone Number
If we call your phone, are we going to hear a message that says "voicemail not setup yet", or "voicemail is full"?
It's true, my voicemail is full or isn't setup yet.
No, my voicemail is good.
Work Phone Number
Date of Birth *
Driver's License Number *
Driver's License State where issued *
Marital Status
Single Married
If married, your spouse's name
Co-applicant's phone number
Co-applicant's street address
Co-applicant's city, state, and zip code.
Co-applicant's relation to you
Co-applicant's occupation
Co-applicant's monthly income
Have you ever rented a house or apartment before? *
Yes No
Most of our rentals are 1 year leases. What is the maximum length of lease you are comfortable fulfilling?
If there is a lease option available in the description, which one are you most interested in?
Lease Option 1
Lease Option 2
Lease Option 3
Lease Option 4
Would you be willing to pay one years rent in advance?
Why do you want to move from where you are now?
How long have you been at your current address? *
Are you renting from this address now?
Yes No
How much is your Monthly rent right now?
Person's name which utilities are now billed and account number
Is your rent up to date right now?
Yes No
Have you given notice?
Yes No
Have you been asked to leave?
Yes No
If yes, please explain why you were asked to leave
Current rental address
Rent amount at this address.
Beginning / End dates at this address.
Landlord name and number for this address.
Previous rental address.
Rent amount at this address
Beginning / End dates at this address.
Landlord name and number for this address.
Previous-previous rental address.
Rent amount at this address
Beginning / End dates at this address.
Landlord name and number for this address.
Your current occupation *
If Self-Employed, please provide copy of most recent Tax Return.
Employer's Name
Employer's Phone Number
How long have you been at your current job?
Your current MONTHLY Income *
If you are applying with a co-applicant, what will be the COMBINED monthly income from both of you?
Do you have another source of income? Please describe
If you like this rental and decide to pursue it, will you be able to provide us with a verifiable proof of income? *
Yes No
If you are moving here from out of the area, do you already have work/income lined up?
Yes No I'm ambitious and will find work
If you answered yes, where/what is the work/income you have lined up?
Previous occupation?
How long were you at your previous job?
Previous employer's name
Previous employer's phone number
Do you have pets? *
Yes No
Total number of dogs?
Total number of cats?
What types of pets? Please list species, breeds, and weights.
What are some of your hobbies or interests? (optional)
Do you require a home with high speed internet?
Yes, I need high speed internet
No, I don't need high speed internet
I can make do with slow internet
Internet access doesn't matter to me
Do you smoke?
Yes No I only smoke outside
Do you require a dwelling which allows the cultivation of marijuana? *
Yes No
Have you ever been sued over bills? *
Yes No
Have you ever been sued for eviction? *
Yes No
Are you currently seeking bankruptcy protection? *
Yes No
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? *
Yes No
Have you ever, or are you now going through foreclosure? *
Yes No
Have you ever broken a lease? *
Yes No
Are you or any of the occupants a registered sex offender? *
Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Yes No
If Yes, please explain the felony
What will be the total number of Occupants in the household? *
List each occupant's name and age, and describe how they're related to you. *
Do you have experience using a wood-burning stove?
Yes, I know what I'm doing
No, I've never used one
I'm somewhat familiar with them
Reference #1 Name (Professional) *
Reference #1 Phone Number *
How do you know Reference #1 ? *
Reference #2 Name (not related to you) *
Reference #2 Phone Number *
How do you know Reference #2 ? *
Reference #3 Name (not related to you) *
Reference #3 Phone Number *
How do you know Reference #3 ? *
"IF" you are responsible for lawn care, how are you going to mow the grass?
I own a riding mower
I own a push mower
I will hire a lawn care service
I will borrow a mower
This doesn't apply to me
I don't care about the grass
How soon would you like to move in?
How many vehicles will you need parking for?
1 vehicle
2 vehicles
3 vehicles
4 vehicles
5 vehicles
Is the Total Move-In Amount available now (rent+deposit)? *
Yes, I have the money No, I don't have the money
How do you feel about quarterly inspections being performed at this rental?
1) I'm perfectly fine with it
2) A little intrusive
3) Intrusive
4) Extremely intrusive
5) I should not have to allow inspections
Do you have comments, questions, or concerns?
By checking "Yes", applicant authorizes the owner or property manager to contact past and present landlords, employers, creditors, credit bureau, neighbors and any other sources deemed necessary to investigate applicant. *
Yes, I agree...
Yes, I agree...
By checking "Yes", you are saying all the information is true, accurate and complete to the best of applicant's knowledge. Owner reserves the right to disqualify tenant if information is not as represented. *
Yes, I agree...
By typing your name in this field it acts as your signature. *
How would you prefer we communicate with you?
Email me
Call me on my cell
Call me at my home #
Send me a text
Mail me a letter
Later, after you view the property, would you be willing to complete a very short online survey to help provide feedback about the property, and our services?
Yes No
Feel free to describe any good or bad experiences you may have had with landlords or renting.
We will use this to help improve our services.
Would you like an agent to contact you about buying or selling a home?
Yes No